Like a dream.

I suck. I'm sorry. To the few people actually making an attempt of checking into this blog once in a while: I have to admit I'm not that good at keeping this English blog up to date, not as good as I am with the Norwegian one. Bear with me, there's been a lot going on lately. Lots and lots of track practices, some meets, and more practice. I've been in season for over eight months now. End of January until now. I'm starting to feel it. It's been one big roller-coaster of a season, with both ups and downs. I'm really excited about starting the indoor season though, it's going to be great. I've got so many plans and so many expectations, and I know what I've got to do. Work hard, and just reach and extend limits.
So what's been up lately? School's started again, and it's quite different than Plant. Really different, to tell you the truth. But I don't mind, it's great to be back. It honestly is. I've missed seeing everyone, and the environment. Even though it's in the low 30s in the mornings now and it's getting colder and more depressing day by day, it's great to be back.
But I miss you guys. A lot. I miss Tampa. It's surreal, and so distant. It's like a different life. Sometimes I wonder if it was real all of it, whether all the people I met exists or not. I'm still talking to some of you, so you kind of have to exist, but you seem so far away. Sometimes it feels like I've just been dreaming, that I could've never actually been to all those places and met all those people and experienced so much. It's just surreal. Somebody pinch me.

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