
An unknown number of miles, songs and never-ending, straight roads later, have I finally reached the final destination - Key West. For this adventure I've decided to split it up sort of, since we're talking about a bit too many pictures and too many words for one post.

So let's begin with the journey's beginning and obviously enough - the everlasting hours of driving.
A thing about American movies that has always fascinated me is the huge roads. 4 lanes in both directions are standards in every movie, and in the city there's complicated systems. In the middle of nowhere there are straightforward roads that seems to go on forever, where there's a huge chance of running out of gas and being stuck in the middle of nowhere, among cacti or alligators, depending on your location. And it's not just in the movies: It is really just one gas-station out there.

On a drive you know will take several hours you pretty much do nothing, you try to ignore that little voice in the back of your head that keep asking all the questions you used to ask out loud as a kid: "Where are we? Is it far? How long is it left? Are we soon there?" But doing nothing can be so much more than just pissing the others in the car off - it can be writing, drawing, talking, and it can be to listen to music, and of course sleeping and taking pictures.
In this case doing nothing involved all this, and the view was continuously swamps. Swamps, trees, grass and gators. A lot of gators. I counted 40 in 5 minutes, no kidding. It was sick to see them so close-up, and even sicker to see workers treating them like as they were kittens. I know I wouldn't dare going out there in slippers and shorts, not even if I got a huge amount of money.

On roadtrips like these you notice the silence. No cars around, except the one you're in, hardly ever buildings, and definitely no people. And then, when you come to a city, you notice how noisy a city really is. You'll also experience how happy you are when you spot a Starbucks in the distance, because that means refill of sugar to both blood sugar and your mood - and it also means a toilet where you can see how bad you really look like after 8 hours in that freaking car.

I know I'm not so keen on diving into a random lake anymore.

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