"Little friend, you're a special little thing."

In this case, I'm not so sure whether it's a positive thing or not, but since it came from a friend, I hope it's positive.

But I actually have done a lot of things today. I've done some workout, nearly cried because of my terrible shape at the moment, been sleeping in the sun, laughed at my good friend Eirik, who also is the owner of the quote for this post's headline (I believe he laughed at me too, so we're even, I guess.). I cleaned my room, and now you can actually imagine a drawer beneath all the fabrics and colors. I've also been to a festival with my family and two friends of the family. It started really bad, with complaining on IM, and ended really good with 100 year old music I've never heard before. But that's OK, since it was OK music, funny to dance to. I forgot my camera (of course), but the lifesaver of the night promised to send me the pictures, if I, without a word, serve my dad and his guest ice-cold beer when it's time for another reunion. Oh well, is there something I don't do for my readers?

Yesterday, I went to the footballgame. I believe Plant had the lead after first round, which was as long as I bothered to watch. It was Biggest Rival 1 vs. Biggest Rival 2, so the crowd was pretty... crowded. I also got this totally awesome t-shirt in something like the size XXXlarge, so it looks like a dress. Wow, what a dry humor today. Thursday was hockey-day, so cool. I think I understand more of hockey than what I do of football.. Wow, what a really dry humor today!

The Follow Through - "So High"

This is another weird song I like. Randomly found on Youtube. Me ♥.

Long time, no see, ego-pictures! This is really close-up though, and it looks a bit weird, hehe.

By the way: I survived Friday 13th without further damage. The only thing was that I - messhead deluxe - forgot everything I was suppose to remember that day. Books, appointments, deals, tests, quizzes, you name it. But hey, if that was it, then it's kind of okay. What about you?

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