Do not try to keep things from changing, because change is good.

I'm so not going to start all this talk about what a horrible blogger I am, so I'm just going to say I went to a sweet 16 party, and I had a lot of fun. I didn't expect to meet so many people I've seen before, but never talked to, and actually get to know them through the night, nor to have so much fun. It always surprises me how fast you can make friends if people are open to each other, and don't really care whether you know each other well or not. I guess it really depends on the situation you're in.
Now it's only a couple of months left, this year has gone by way too quickly. I can feel time is running out on me. Every second is a second closer to reunion with my old life and friends, but every second is a second closer to leaving everyone and everything I've gotten to know through the year. It's sort of bitter-sweet, and always in the back of my head. On the other hand, this is what I got here for, for taking a chance-of-a-lifetime, and making it the best experience of my life. I've grown a lot during this year, I'm, in a way, changed. Yet, I don't really belong here. I could have, if I'd stayed. But there would always be a part of me missing out on something, trying to find something lost. I guess I'm sort of afraid that when I leave, people will forget me. Eventually, I'll be a fading memory in the back of their heads, and after that, I will no longer be thought about. Life will move on, and new memories will be created. I'm not saying it's a bad thing, though. The most important knowledge I've gained this year I think must be to enjoy things as they are right now. Not to worry too much about everything. When I'm old, I want to be able to reminisce about my life, and say "There's nothing I regret I didn't do."

Besides, I'll be back one day. I'll show up a day one least expects it. Yeah, that's what I'll do.

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