Strength trough unity.

"So after this, if you guys meet in the hallways, will you be the first one to look away, or will you be the first one to say hi?"

Today I learned that even though the football-players appear to stick to their own clique and appear to be lost in their own world full of testosterone and let no one enter it, some of them are close to the exact opposite. Some of them actually are really open to new people, and don't mind listening to a 20 minutes swedish-norwegian conversation while trying to laugh at the right places. Today I also learned that it's possible to feel like you've known people for 2 years, even though you just met them not even 2 hours ago. I learned that with a bunch of a little crazy teenagers and a little crazy leaders, and a drum, a lot can be accomplished in 8 hours.
Unity Day as I experienced it was far over my expectations. In the morning was around 70 students from everywhere between freshman- to senior-year gathered. Most people didn't know that many of the people present, and you pretty much felt like a complete idiot, sitting on you chair and having nothing to say. But when the bell rang for the last time today most people had spoken to everyone else, and no one felt like idiots anymore. The day was spent in funny activities, chatting, laughing, getting-to-know'ing and having a lot of fun, but also discussing important topics important to most teenagers. From beginning really awkward and tense, the day developed to me talking about everything with people I never would have talked to in general. I learned a lot of new stuff about people I would never consider about them. And this is the point of Unity Day - to break down barriers and stereotypes, and being able to see the single individual and not entire groups of people. The point is to create a group out of strangers and very different types of personalities, where everyone is accepted, and there's no reason for bullying or making fun of others to make yourself feel better. The point is that what we talked about, what we did, and all these new thoughts we got will be passed on to the rest of the school and continue with us through life.

I will definitely not forget this day, and all the good arguments and points of view I heard from all these people, and I will say hi to them if I ever meet them in the hallways or what so ever - because that's all that's required to create a new bond to a new person.

Today I was proved that there's more about people than just their facade, and that footballplayer who appears to live the perfect life might struggle with the exact same problems as the outsider sitting in a corner on a chair. And that's all OK, since we're nothing more than humans, and once in a while all we need is a hug from someone who just this morning was a stranger.

By the way: Sharp pictures are out of fashion.

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